Dongeng Bahasa Inggris Moli dan Telsi

Oke bro.... kali ini cerita dejavu akan posting tentang dongeng bahasa inggris, sebagai koleksi sahabat dalam berdongeng. Latar belakang cerita dongeng ini adalah fiktif kehidupan hewan di hutan tropis yaitu persis di lingkungan Indonesia. Yaitu tokohnya adalah Moli dan Telsi, dan menyingkap rahasia kehidupan hewan hutan tropis. Dan dikemas dalam versi dongeng bahasa inggris  yang berjudul “Moli dan Telsi Unveiling the Secrets of Life of the Tropical Rain Forest” yang di karang oleh Edy Hendras Wahyono.

Langsung saja bagai mana ceritanya dongeng bahasa inggris Moli dan Telsi, silahkan simak di bawah ini dengan judul-judul yang unik.
  • One bright and clear morning, the birds were chirping merrily. They were jumping from one branch to another, as if they were playing with their friends. The other animals did not want to be left out. The insects, monkeys, squirrels and other mammals that are active during the day, start to come out from their homes to look for food.

    The atmosphere of the forest at Bodogol Conservation Education Centre (BCEC), which lies in the Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park is very bright this morning. It lies approximately 800 metres above sea level, with temperatures around 250 C; it is therefore not too cold. The cool temperature gives an atmosphere of freshness for all activities in the forest. The surrounding forest of BCEC is a tropical montane forest, making it an ideal place for a variety of life, whether it is flora or fauna.

    This morning, Moli, a cute Javan Gibbon Hylobates moloch, is lying lazily on a branch of a tall tree. Now and then Moli sings with her beautiful voice. All animals can hear this song in the forest, including Moli's friends. This song means that this is Moli's territory.

    Telsi, the strong Javan Hawke-eagle Spizaetus bartelsi isflyingintheair. The spread of his wingsre minds people of the Garuda Pancasila Eagle, the symbol of the Republic of Indonesia. His voice is very loud to mark his territory to his friends. It seems that Moli's voice is heard by Telsi, who is flying above. They have been friends for a longtime. Telsi glides very fast, like a jet fighter, to the tree where Moli is happily hanging from a branch.
  • "Good morning and welcome old friend, how are you?" asks Moli, welcoming the arrival of Telsi who perches in front of her. "Fine, do we have any plans for today?" asks Telsi. "Oh yes, today I am going for a walk with some friends who want to learn the secrets of the tropical forest. Do you want to come?" asks Moli of Telsi. "Of course. I also want to learn from you about the secrets of this forest, because until now, you are the only one who knows, I only know about it from the sky," replies Telsi. "Ok, then we go to Our Nature. Over there, our friends are waiting for me as their environmental interpreter." "Ok...," replies Telsi enthusiastically.

    Introduction to the Secrets of Forest Life is the main program at Our Nature or ALAM KITA.
    Moli's friends who are living in the forest around the Gunung Gede Pangrango National Park, apart from Telsi, is Totol, the Javan leopard Panthera pardus who is an expert climber. There is also Surili, the grizzled leaf eating monkey Presbytis comata that lives only in the
    forest in West Java.

    There is also Fasi, the long-tailed macaque Macaca fascicularis, barking deer Muntiacus muntjak, Musang or Palm Common Civet Paradoxurus hermaphroditus and the greedy Piggy, the wild pig Sus scrofa who eats most plants.

    There are also Squirrel the clever jumper, forest fowl, reticulated python, frog, Kubung - the flying squirrel, bats and a few insects such as Tonggeret or cicada, butterfly, beetle and dragonfly. All of them follow Moli and listen to her explanation. "Come on friends, the activity will start soon," yells Moli to all her friends who have been waiting. All congregate and listen to Moli's explanation about the program and the route that they are going to take.
  • When they arrive at the information sign, Moli explains the regulations such as: "Don't throw any rubbish in the forest - Do not pick up or take any plant or wild animal - It is forbidden to speak loudly because it will disturb the animals; and You are not allowed to throw any seeds
    into the forest." "Moli, why are we not allowed to throw any seeds into the forest?" asks Telsi with a very serious face because ofhisinquisitiveness.

    "It is like this, if we throw seeds that are not native to this forest, we worry that the seeds will one day grow and then the tree bears fruit. Then some animals might eat the fruit and this will change the habits of the forest animals," says Moli.

    "In the forest we are not allowed to bring, or plant, any non-native plants," Moli continues. Therefore, Moli prepares a bag to keep the organic rubbish that can disintegrate and another for the inorganic that cannot disintegrate naturally, such as plastic and so on. All inorganic rubbish will be recycled outside the forest, while the organic rubbish will be composted to fertiliseplants After their short discussion about the information sign, they continue their tour along the Education Route.
  • Moli stands back from a Strangling Fig or Kiara Bodas, which is a Ficus annulata. She tells the story of the growth of this strangling fig and why it is called that. At first an animal ate the fig's fruit such as a bird, bat, or a primate. Not all seeds were digested. When the animal stopped at a branch or a fork of a tree, the scats with undigested seeds dropped and stuck to the branch or fork of the tree and the seeds grew.

    The life of the fig had started. At first this young growth took food from the scats rotted on the branch of the host tree. Its roots started to grow towards the soil. Once they had reached the soil, the tree started to get bigger. To support the trunk that grew bigger this fig held on tightly to its host. It grew bigger and bigger.

    Eventually the host tree was strangled and died. "This is not the end of the fig's story," says Moli. Then Moli tells the story on how the fig obtained extra food. After the host tree died and rotted away, there was a hollow left in the middle. Many forest animals use it for shelter, such as bats, birds, reptiles and others used this hollow.

    "There, the scats are a good fertiliser for the fig. Isn't it clever!" exclaims Moli. Everyone is amazed by Moli's story, especially the way Moli uses simple language that is easy to understand. Sometimes she uses body language that is interesting and it makes the participants listen very carefully. "Moli, how old do you think that fig is?" asks Telsi. "I think it is more than 30 years old. Somewhere here there are bigger figs. Inside each there is a hole which is used by animals as their shelter," explains Moli.

    "My family and I stay in one of them every night," says Totol, the leopard. "My friends and I also," says the bat. "Okay, if there are no more questions, we can continue our informative walk," urges Moli to her friends.
  • "Here, look at this climbing bamboo, it is usually called Cangkore (Dinochloa scandens)," says Moli. "Does this plant have any benefits, Moli?" asks Surili. "Of course. The water from inside the bamboo can be used as eye drops. If there is dirt in our eyes, or if our eyes are sore, we cut part of the bamboo and then drop the water into our eyes," says Moli. "Who would like to try? Hey you, Piggy, your eyes are red because of lack of sleep, please try it. Hopefully, it will make your vision clear again," says Moli to Piggy who is always rampaging at night.

    "Come here, Moli" calls Fasi, the long-tailed macaque. "What's the matter?" replies Moli. "Look at this, what kind of plant is it? Why is the colour different?" asksFasi. "Looking from above the colour is lilac-blue. If we look under, it is light green."

    The friends touch the plant and look at the colour. "Oh ... this is Paku Rane (Selaginella ciliari). Usually the colour of the young leaves is different from the old," answers Moli in short. "What is its benefit?" asks Piggy. "This plant is used in cosmetics. It's easy. Take a few
    leaves, crush them and wipe them on your face. If you do this regularly, your skin will be smooth and free of pimples," answers Moli.

    They walk step-by-step, looking right and left, maybe they will find something new in their lives. Moli, as the guide in the education program, always walks at the front. She always explains everything that they find along the way. "Here friends, please look. Do you know this plant?" asks Moli of her group. "Not yet," they answer together.

    "This plant is called Pacing Merah (Costus specisus). This can be very useful when we are in a forest. For example, if we touch a plant that makes us itch, such as Pulus or Laportea stumulans, we can neutralise the itchiness by using this plant," explains Moli. "What kind of a plant is Pulus, Moli?" asks Totol, who is very quiet and usually only listens. "Wait Totol, we will find that Pulus plant. When you go into the forest, be sure to avoid that plant." "There are many other forest plants that are useful for medication. ALAM KITA publishes a brochure especially about medicinal plants. We can read it later at the Visitor Centre," says Moli, continuing the walk.
  • Fifty metres before the Cat Walk or plate form, the area for fantasising, everyone stops and Moli hands over blind folds to covert heir eyes. "Okay, now please cover your eyes. Nobody peep, ok?" Moli tells her friends. "What are we going to do Moli?" asks Telsi. "Calm down, the important thing is that you follow my instructions. Now if you are ready, hold hands and walk veryslowly.

    The one at the back, hold hands with the friend in front," tells Moli once more. They walk in a line, as if they were a train. Then they reach the Cat Walk and stand in a row facing the forested green valley. "Now you can imagine that you can fly like Telsi and his friends. Are you flying?" asks Moli. "Yes we are," they reply together. "Look down at the green forest, so peaceful, beautiful, just like emeralds strewn along the equator. Imagine you can see there is a forest clearing and a forest fire is burning.

    "It is so sad, isn't it?" says Moli. "See and imagine what will happen when the rainy season arrives," says Moli again. "Floods, land-slides, erosion. Ah dear, look over there a landslide has covered a village. A school flooded and the children can no longer study," says Surili, as if the adventure in the sky is a real one. "Yes Moli, a pity, I understand what Surili has said, lots of our friends would lose their homes and their foodsource"

    Telsi said. "Oh no! They are burnt because they cannot run away from the raging fire," explains Telsi, who flies daily, here and there, across the sky. "The adventure in the sky has ended, so please take off your blindfold slowly and do not open your eyes yet," says Moli. "Now open your eyes." "Woww …. so beautiful" they all say. "So what happens if this beautiful forest is damaged cut down and burned down? As you have said before, there would be a catastrophe for humans" says Moli. Then Moli explains that this location is not only used for imagining, it is also used to observe animals such as the Javan Gibbon or Javan Hawke-eagle in the morning and in the evening.

    Not only is the scenery beautiful, for one can see as far as the horizon, it also used for observing the nightlife.
  • Now Moli tells about primitive plants that can still be found in this era, that is the big ferns from famili Cyatheaceae, because the size and the difference to other type of ferns.
    "If you have watched the movie - Jurassic Park, which has ancient animals such as dinosaurs and its friends, that film shows all plants of that era which generally are ferns.

    These plants are ancient plants and are pioneers of life on the surface of this earth," explains Moli. Thesefriendsobservetheferntreeclosely. Fromitstrunk to the end of its leaf which curled in beautifully. "Every one, please look at the young leaf of this fern," asks Moli. "The young leaf can be eaten. Usually humans use the leaf as green/salad?" says Moli. "Is it poisonous?" asks the deer. "Oh no, because there are already many people that eat it."

    There are many ferns along this Education Route. Many have their own special feature. Although some of the ferns are as big as a tree, they propagate through spores, which are microscopic in size and can be seen through a magnifying glass. This is different from dicotyledon where the seeds can be seen by eyes. The walk starts again following the Education Route, which shady, especially in that clear morning, so there are many fauna that can be seen or, the sound of insects calling each other back and forth.
  • As they arrive at a large clearing, they stop for a second, resting, and some of them lean against a shade that is built in the shape of an umbrella. "This is the place where we play. Now we have a game of identifying plants and of testing our memory on the plants of the forest. This game is called The Forest Detective," explains Moli. "Now observe. In this white cloth are a few different leaves that grow around this area. Your task is to find similar ones. I will open the cloth for one minute and you have to find them," says Moli.

    They spread around to look for similar plants around the shade. They try to remember what kind of plants and other things are in the white cloth. "Time is up in one minute," says Moli. They quickly come back and put down their collection on similar pieces of the white cloth. They compare them with the samples in Moli's white cloth.

    It seems that the smart Mouse deer has found the most similar items as the samples in Moli's white cloth. Moli declares her the winner. "Do you know the purpose of this game?" asks Moli. "This is a game about knowing the plants around this area," Moli says further.
  • "Please observe plants around here, are there any that you recognise? The fruit is delicious, sweet and its skin is like a snake. In English it is called Snake-skin fruit," says Moli. They all are quiet. They all look around left and right, wondering what kind of fruit it is. "Oo...I know, it's the salak or skin-snake fruit Salaca edulis, but which one is the plant?" asks Pikus Trachypithecus auratus, the leaf eating monkey, whilst trying to find where the plant is. "It's behind you, Pikus, the one with the leaves like rattan. It grows in a group forming a clump," explains Moli. They approach a clump of wild salak plants which grow very well in the middle of the area, while look for thefruits-ifany.

    "Apart from salak plants, there are a number of rattan plants in here which are very useful to humans, for household bric-a-brac and also for weaving," says Moli.  Then Moli points out a number of rattan plants around the area, and explains how they grow. "The rattan thorns that grow on the tip of the stem are tools for the plant to reach the top of a tree, so their function is similar to our hands - to hold on" explains Moli.
  • "Shush!" says Moli quietly, putting one finger on her mouth. "What is it?" they ask together. "Do ask Totol, what is the meaning of this sign," says Moli. Without so much in words, Totol the leopard who is part of the group, explains that the scratch on the trunk of a tree on the route mean that this area is his, so are the scats and the urine smell around it. "So your species does this also?" asks Musang or palm civetwhowasfollowingquietly. "Yes," repliesTotolbriefly. "I also do the same thing, but I only use scats, which I scatter in an open area so they are easier to see," explains Musang.

    "Do any of you do the same thing as Totol and Musang?" asks Moli of the group. " I do," says the wild cat (Felis bengalensis) " So do I, but sometimes I do it by rubbing my body against a tree," says Piggy.
  • The group has arrived at a T-junction and Moli explains that the right path goes straight to the Canopy Bridge, while the left is a longer walk to the Canopy Bridge. "So as not to make every one bump into each other on the bridge, the trail is a one-way trail, all visitors should turn left," says Moli. "Now here is a Pulus tree, this tree makes us itchy if we rub on it" says Moli whilst pointing at the tree on the side of the trail.

    They observe the plant while looking at its leaves and trunk, so they remember not to touch that plant when they are in the forest.
  • Further they are in the forest, more beautiful songs some from the trees above. There are birds in a flock, or individually, for aging for food. Now and thent he reares quirrels jumping from one tree to another. They walk carefully because next to them is a deep ravine. Tall trees reach out with epiphytes growing on them, such as the bird-nest fern, which looks like a big birds nest. There are also orchids that grow profusely on the branches.

    They all stop, seeing a "please be quiet" sign, which Moli portrays with her index finger crossing her lips. "What is the meaning of this sign, Moli?" asks Belalang Sembah or grass hopper-pray. "It means that this is my area. They usually cross this area in the morning" answers Moli. "Why do we have to be quiet?" Belalang asks again. "Well, if we make a noise in the forest, we would then have difficulty in finding them. If they see us, they will hide themselves and observe us. Thus it would be difficult to find them," explains Moli. They then walk slowly, quietly, so they can hear the stillness of the forest. Only insect noises are heard, calling each other.

    "What kind of insect it that, Capung ?" asks Moli, who now wants to know more about the insects. Capung or dragon-fly explains that the insect was a Tonggeret or cicada, which is able to make a noise from its belly. "Wow, that is terrific" says Moli. "So the insects can make different sounds in different ways. They use their wings, as for Jangkrik or Crickets, or use their hind legs such as grasshoppers" says Capung.
  • "Careful, the trail is descending, don't play around" instructs Moli. Soon, Moli stops at a stump of a dead tree that has a sign "Look for dead trees around you, you will find the forest's decomposers working." "What is the meaning of that sign, Moli?" asks Piggy.

    "Do look around, is there any living thing whose duty it is to work on dead trees and leaves in this forest?" asks Moli. They look using the magnifying glass, scratching the soil, touching the dead tree to find the living thing that is on or lives on the dead tree. "Look at this, I found white ants," yells Fasi. "I also found worms," says Surili, not to be left out. "But I can't find anything around here, only fungi" says Telsi.

    "Yes... all of them are decomposers. Not only white ants, ants, worms, but also fungi and other organisms that cannot be seen by the naked eye, only by using microscopes, such as bacteria and others" explains Moli. "So can you imagine this life without the decomposers such as them, maybe this world would be filled up with rubbish?" adds Moli.
  • The trail keeps descending the faces of Moli's friends look tired of the steep descent. Therefore Moli quickly says something to keep her friends from boredom. "Now look at the sides of the ravine. Anything there?" asks Moli, making everyone confused about what she means. "There is nothing there, Moli" they all reply quietly, because their feet are tired. "Please look at the plants that grows at the sides of the ravine. There is one with mucus, one greenish brown and on this side are ferns," explains Moli.

    "All of these are stages in the life-cycle of ferns, they all develop from spores," adds Moli. Then Moli explains the process of fern development, which starts as spores blown by the wind. Then a spore attaches itself to a plant or falls to the ground. This spore then develops into a sprout called prothallus that consists of a male cell called antheridium and a female cell called archegonium. Of course, these cells can only be seen through a microscope. The male cell can be transported if there is a medium such as water, while the female cell produces eggs. They will exude certain chemicals to attract male cells.

    The fusion of male and female cells causes fertilization and the fertilised eggs sprout and become a new ferns. Thus the cycle continues and new ferns develop. Everyone nods their head listening to Moli's explanation. 

    The sensitivity of Moli as an interpreter is really tested. Their antusiasm go down, may be tired or boring with Moli's story about rain forest as long as education route. Moli understood about that. After talking about spore and fern, Moli saw animals moving at the tree. And Moli
    stopherstory. "Sssttt….." Moli said with her fingger at her mouth. "What the matter's Moli" ask Telsi. "Look at the branch of tree, they are my friends. Sitting down and mother grooming with her child" Moli said. " They love their family, very much father not poligami (more than one female) and mother never only need one male. Their live always together all days" explain Moli.

    "Gibbona live very unique. Their parents always look for their children teritory after grow up and make new family" explained Moli while look at Gibbon family at the top of tree. " Any of you have lifestyle like me" ask Moli to their friends.

    "We have difference life-style and behaviour, right" ask Moli again. "Yes…" answer all of them. "I live in a group, I have more than one wife" says Pikus. "So do I" says Fasi. "Therearemanydifferentlifestylesinthisworld. Although we have different habits, we all have our own importance in this world. Do not allow these differences to cause friction, but rather make us stronger. Agreed!" yells Moli. "Okay Boss" they answer.

    "Now here is another example of the process of life. Thisstranglingfigisstillyoung, pleaseobserve" requests Moli at a clearing beside a river.
  • Arriving at an open space, they rest. All of them stay quiet, listening to the running clear water, they feel peace ful with life. While they are resting, Moli, as an interpreter, will not be quiet. She tells a story about the river. "This river runs all year long, even in the long drought. When the rainy season arrives, the river never floods. Do you know why?" asks Moli. Nobody answers so she continues "When the rain water reaches the forest floor, the root systems works like a sponge, taking in water. The water will be released drip by drip, as a spring.

    Only 40% of rainwater falls directly onto the ground, the rest is slowed by the leaves. Therefore there is no flooding in the low land if the forest is intact and well looked after," says Moli. While waiting for her friends to rest, Moli takes out a number of mirrors. Moli's friends smile at Moli's act. "Hey Moli, you are in the forest, how come you have time to take out mirrors to beautify yourself?" asks Fasi who loves to tease.

    "No Fasi, this is a game for all of you," answers Moli, putting up with Fasi's teasing. "All right friends, this is a game. Usually we see the forest straight in front of us. Now I am going to introduce you to see the forest above us -it is quite unique" says Moli, without waiting for any questions from her friends.

    "When you are rested, the game will begin" cajoles Moli. Her friends form a line. The left arm rests on the friend in front, while the right arm holds a mirror. They walk in a line looking at plants above them through the mirror. For a while, they walk quietly in line looking at leaves and plants in the mirror. Some see fruits or flowers, birds flying around, or insects hopping on the leaves.

    Everything looks very clearin the mirror. Suddenly Fasi, walking at the front, yells in fright. "Wow..." yells Fasi. Soon, Moli's friends say the same thing. They feel as if they are falling from the endless sky. Before that, they felt like they were walking from tree to tree. Suddenly, there are no more trees.

    "Moli, it's great that you have a game like this," they say, impressed. Now and then they try the mirror game again.
  • Arriving at the T-junction near the Canopy Bridge, they rest for a while. Moli explains that the liana that grows on trees contains water. "This plant has fresh water inside. If we run out of water, we can cut the stem of a liana. The water dripping from it can be drunk straight away" explains Moli. "Can we drink the water from all lianas, Moli?" asks Surili with a very serious face. "Oh no! There are a number of them, which do not drip water, but sap. That should not be drunk," answers Moli.

    "How do we know?" asks Surili again together with the others. "Before you cut it, try to scratch the stem, to see if there is sap or not. If there is no sap, cut the liana off to get the water" explains Moli, who seems to be an expert on living in theforest.
  • Before going to the Canopy Bridge, Moli clarifies the regulations for while they are on the bridge. One regulation, amongst others, is: participants are not allowed to play around, swing or run on the bridge. Thus Moli tells the regulation to her friends. "Are any of you scared of heights?" asks Moli. "I am a little bit scared. How high is it, Moli?" asks the Mouse deer, who is clever but a little scared of heights.

    "Approximately 30 metres above the ground," answers Moli. "How long is the bridge?" he asks again. "Around 100 metres long. If you are scared of heights, do not look down too often, look up, and look at the plants, orchids, ferns and other things" suggests Moli.

    They follow the regulations told to them by Moli, walking single file holding onto the rope at the side of the bridge. "Do observe the crown of the plants, fruits, flowers and young leaves that you can close up," says Moli. Arriving at the end of the bridge, they have a rest for a while, waiting for the others who are slowly crossing the bridge.

    "" Moli takes a few pictures as mementoes of her friends posing on the bridge.
  • After they have had their rest, Moli pulls out white cardboard pieces with double-sided tape attached to each of them. This game is played after they have crossed the bridge. The trail is ascending so this game is played to relieve tiredness and boredom due to the steep ascent. This game helps them to be more observant of the environment. "Friends, I brought these white cardboard pieces with double-sided tape attached to them. Your job is to find any interesting objects along the way. It could be a dry leaf, a green one, a flower, a length of branch or anything you find along this trail" instructs Moli.

    "What kind of game is this, Moli?" asks Piggy. "This is called the Colours of the Forest" answers Moli. "Is that clear?" she asks. "This is how it works, take the cover off the double-sided tape and take a small object that you have chosen, and attach it to the cardboard" says Moli, showing an example to her friends. "Okay, I understand," says Piggy. They diligently look for any objects along the long trail. There are fallen fruits, flowers and colourful leaves.

    Sometimes they find insect wings with beautiful colours, or they find bird feathers that have fallen and other things. Moli walks in the front and now and then calls to her friends who look so tired, such as fat Piggy. "Piggy, come here, this is a pretty purple flower. Quick, all of you come here!" says Moli.

    Piggy quickly reaches Moli. Without realising it, they have climbed the steep ascent while collecting various objects along the trail. They do not feel tired due to the excitement of finding unique objects with beautiful colours and attaching them to the white cardboard.
    Arriving at an open space at the T-junction, they find the itching "Pulus" tree.

    "Now we can rest again but don't touch that tree! If the tiredness has gone, I have some interesting stories to tell you" says Moli. While they rest, Moli explains the reason for of the game toherfriends, why they collected various colour ful things. "This game shows that the forest is not merely green but colourful, exactly as you see on that little piece of paper" says Moli. Her friends, make no comment, they are still too tired. Some take out a snack and others take out their water bottle.
  • "Please look at that hill over there," says Moli, pointing to a hill looming in front of them.
    "The plants are colourful, aren't they? There are red, light green, dark green, brown and other colours" says Moli. Moli continues and tells them about the forest stratification, which is the different heights, of the trees. The trees always try to reach the highest level they can, because they need the sunlight for photosynthesis. Thus in the forest there is always competition to reach the light.

    "So competition for life also happens in the forest, Moli" says Kubung, the flying squirrel who is leaning against a tree. "They are competing to get light, air and food" says Moli. "In this competition, the trees also kill each other" says Totol.

    "Correct, but not with sharp objects - with part of the plant," says Moli. "One example is the strangling fig, about which I told you before. Then there is Alelopaty, a substance in the root that can kill the neighbouring plants. Look up" says Moli and all her friends look up to where Moli is pointing. "The liana is one of those plants that competes for the light," says Moli.
    "How?" asks Telsi.

    Moli explains how lianas can kill the host plant. First, they creep up from the base of the host tree. Then, when they arrive at the top, they grow really fast because they now have enough light. Slowly, this increase in growth makes the liana a heavy burden for the host plant, the host plant cannot support it any more and breaks.

    This kills the host plant. So, we often see lianas living without host plants, because they have died, thus ends Moli'sstory.  
  • Arriving at the Alam Kita Camp, they rest, then they eat their food. When they have finished, Moli announces that they are going to play a game called the Web of Life. They all gather in a circle, each representing their namesake as the forest dwellers, with some using names of plants. Moli gets a big roll of thread as a tool to make the Web of Life.

    "Okay, we start with me as a gibbon who eats the forest rambutan fruit" says Moli and then throws the roll of thread to Capung, who represents the rambutan tree. Rambutan trees feed on Piggy's scats, Piggy eats corn, corn feeds on Mouse deers' scats, Mouse deer is eaten by Macan Tutul leopard, and Macan Tutul also eats rusa, rusa is eaten by tiger, humans kill tigers, humans are killed by snakes and eagles eat snakes.

    Moli keeps telling her story. The eagle dies, decomposes and is digested by bacteria, bacteria produce fertilizer, fertilizer isused by ficus, ficusis eaten by Suriliand.
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